Miguel A. Rivera Quiñones

Visiting Fellow, July 8 to August 4, 2019

Miguel A. Rivera Quiñones (Ph.D., International Relations, University of Sussex). Rivera Quiñones is Assistant Professor in Political Science at the University of Puerto Rico. Previously, Rivera Quiñones was an associate lecturer at the University of Sussex. At Sussex, he taught at the Political Science Department, the School of Global Studies, as well as at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS). He also worked as research consultant for the World Bank (2013-2014), the Institute of Development Studies IDS (2011, 2013), and the German Development Cooperation GIZ (2012). His research lies at the intersection between critical international political economy and development studies. While at Princeton, Rivera Quiñones will work on his research about the relation between colonialism and the Debt Crisis in Puerto Rico.