Mario Cámara

Visiting Research Scholar, Program in Latin American Studies (March 2020)

MARIO CÁMARA (Ph.D., University of Buenos Aires). Cámara is a professor of Brazilian literature at the University of Buenos Aires, a professor of literary theory at the National University of Arts, and an independent researcher at CONICET. He has published numerous articles and books, most recently A máquina performática (2017, Rocco, Río de Janeiro), co-authored with Gonzalo Aguilar, and Resto épicos. Relatos e imágenes en el cambio de época (2017, Livraria, Buenos Aires). Since 2003, he has been a member of the editorial board of Grumo, literature and image (Ministry of Culture Award, Brazil, 2007). He has had research fellowships at the Instituto Iberoamericano, Berlin and GRUPO COIMBRA at the University of Leiden, Netherlands. In 2017, he received a Fulbright Fellowship for a research stay at Princeton University. While at Princeton, Cámara will study Brazilian and Chilean artistic productions that have questioned some of the dominant concepts and figures in the revolutionary imagination of the 20th century: the blue-collar worker, the militant political activist, the political leader, the guerrilla fighter, and the new man.