Leonardo Cardoso

Visiting Associate Research Scholar and Visiting Assistant Professor (Spring 2019)

LEONARDO CARDOSO is Assistant Professor and Crawley Faculty Fellow in the Department of Performance Studies at Texas A&M University. His book, Sound-Politics in São Paulo (Oxford University Press, 2019), provides an ethnographic account of noise control debates in the most populous city in the Americas. He has published in Current Anthropology, Journal of Latin American Studies, the Oxford Handbook of Hip Hop Studies, Sounding Out!, and the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology. He is the guest editor of a special issue on sound, law, and governance in the Sound Studies journal.  His second book, State Acoustics in Brazil, examines governance, sound, and citizenship in Brazil between the 1930's and the 2010's. In 2018, Cardoso was a Visiting Scholar at the Centre de Sociologie de l’Innovation in Paris. For the following year, he was awarded a research fellowship at the Max Planck Institute in Berlin.

Learn more about the course Leonardo Cardoso will be teaching this spring, LAS 212 / URB 212: Latin American Soundscapes: Music, Noise, and Technology.