Flavia Fiorucci

History (Argentina)
January 2024
Visiting Fellow, Program in Latin American Studies

Flavia Fiorucci (Ph.D, University of London) is a professor of Argentine History at the Universidad de Quilmes and a CONICET researcher at the Centre of Intellectual History at the Universidad de Quilmes, Argentina. Her research interests include the cultural and intellectual history of Latin America.  She has been the editor of the Journal Prismas -Revista de Historia Intelectual and had published numerous articles and books. Among others she has published Intelectuales y Peronismo (1946-1955) and co-edited Historia de la Educación Argentina: Palabras Claves and Intelectuales de la Educación y el Estado: maestros, médicos y arquitectos. She has been Honorary Research Fellow at the Institute of the Americas (University College London) and Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center of Latin American Studies (University of Maryland). While at Princeton, she will work on a research project that examines the intellectual history of the Women Question in Argentina.