ELEONORA CRÓQUER PEDRÓN (Ph.D. in literature, University of Valencia, Spain, 2004) teaches at the Department of Language and Literature at the Simón Bolívar University, where she is also Head of the Center for Critical and Socio-cultural Research at the Institute of Latin America Studies (www.cics-usb.org) and Director of the Institute of Latin American Studies. Her research focuses on literature written by Latin American women, visual culture, critical and cultural theory, authorship in literature and art, and affect and politics. Her publications include the books El gesto de Antígona o la escritura como responsabilidad (Clarice Lispector, Diamela Eltit and Carmen Boullosa) (Cuarto Propio, 2000); Escrito con rouge: Delmira Agustini, 1886-1914: artefacto cultural(Beatriz Viterbo, 2009), and more than thirty essays in professional journals and book compilations (www.elecrope.wordpress.com).
Eleonora Cróquer Pedrón
Visiting Associate Research Scholar (April 2019)