Donald Escudero Rivera (Visiting Student Research Collaborator) is a master's degree candidate in Cultural Management and Administration at the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus (UPRRP), where he also earned a B.A. in Social Work from the College of Social Sciences. In 2015, he completed a professional certification from the Academy of Museum Professionals for the 21st Century, an Institute of Museum and Library Services funded project at the University of Turabo (Puerto Rico). Since 2011, he worked as an exhibition designer and administration assistant at the Museum of History, Anthropology and Art at the UPRRP. In 2017, he was assistant curator for Ida y Vuelta: experiencias de la migración en el arte puertorriqueño contemporáneo, curated by Professor Laura Bravo. He has written for Visión Doble, an online publication on art in Puerto Rico, and 80grados, a multidisciplinary, independent online magazine. He recently collaborated as a curator for Acuerdos: video arte internacional, an online video exhibition connecting political and social issues from Brazil, Central America, Mexico and Spain. As part of the VISAPUR program at PLAS on summer 2018, Donald Escudero will assist Professor L. Bravo updating research on migration and contemporary art in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria, learning in the context of the project Migration: People and Culture Across Borders from August 5 to 18, 2018.