Cecilia García-Huidobro

Visiting Research Scholar, Program in Latin American Studies (June 2022)

CECILIA GARCÍA-HUIDOBRO (M.A., Universidad Católica de Chile). García-Huidobro is a journalist, editor, author, and current dean of the School of Communication and Literature at Diego Portales University, Chile. She has served as editor to important publications in the arts in Chile for more than two decades. She was editor-in-chief for Revista de Libros, the literary supplement of the Sunday edition of El Mercurio, the main national newspaper in Chile from 1997 to 2007. Previously, she was editor-in-chief for Revista Universitaria, the magazine of Universidad Católica. While at Princeton, García-Huidobro will continue her work on an ongoing project entitled Donoso in Progress. The first part of this project, Diarios Tempranos. Donoso in progress was short-listed for the 2016 City of Santiago literature prize. While at Princeton, García-Huidobro will examine journals, letters, and other documents pertaining to José Donoso at the Princeton University Library to get a glimpse of his creative process, with the aim of constructing a story of the making of his main works of literature, and thus reveal what José Donoso sought in his own readings of great novels.