Anaís Martinez Jimenez

Comparative Literature

Research Interests: Psychoanalysis, Poetic Theory, Border Studies, Gender and Sexuality, Critical Theory, Art History, Modernism, Surrealism.

Anaís Martinez Jimenez is a PhD candidate with the Department of Comparative Literature and a psychoanalyst in training at the National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis. In her dissertation work, she proposes a comparative reading of the freudo-lacanian unconscious and the paraconcept of the ‘poetic’. She traces this relationship, from its origins in Europe to its reception in the Western Hemisphere, through 20th century art. Anaís grew up in the San Diego/Tijuana region. She earned her bachelors degree in Comparative Literature from the University of Chicago (2016) and obtained her Master’s in Literature, Languages, and Cultures from the University of Edinburgh (2018). At Princeton, she was a recipient of the Lassen Fellowship and is a candidate for a certificate with PLAS.

Her dissertation title is Traces of the Unconscious: Psychoanalysis, Art, and Literature in a 20th Century Pan-American Context.