Adriana Rodriguez Persico

Visiting Research Scholar, Program in Latin American Studies (September/October 2019)

ADRIANA RODRIGUEZ PERSICO (Ph.D., University of Buenos Aires). Professor of Cultural History at the National University of Tres de Febrero and Senior Researcher of the CONICET (National Council of Scientific and Technical Research). Previously she was Associate Professor of Literary Theory at the University of Buenos Aires. Rodriguez Persico has taught Latin American Literature at the universities of Sao Paulo, Duke, Maryland, and at Paris 8. In 2009, she received a Guggenheim fellowship. In 2017, she published Los unos y los otros. Comunidad y alteridad en la literatura latinoamericana(Eduvim). She authored Relatos de época. Una cartografía de América Latina (1880-1920) (Rosario, Beatriz Viterbo, 2008) which received the Ezequiel Martínez Estrada Essay Award from Casa de las Américas (2010), Un huracán llamado progreso. Utopía y autobiografía en Sarmiento y Alberdi. Washington, (OAS, INTERAMER, 1992. 2nd Edition, 1993) and compiled with Jorge Fornet Ricardo Piglia: una poética sin límites (Pittsburgh, International Institute of Ibero-American Literature, Antonio Cornejo Polar Collection, 2, University of Pittsburgh, 2004). She has also written numerous essays on Argentine and Latin American literature and literary theory. While at Princeton, Rodriguez Persico will work on the project “Ricardo Piglia: Literature as Archive” that is centered on the comparison of the published work Los diarios de Emilio Renziand the notebooks that form part of the Piglia Papers.