Conference Travel

Conference research presentations create important bridges between Princeton and the world. Not only do they bring ideas that emerge here to the broader academic community. They inspire new thinking that can change the shape of education and research here. PLAS reimburses travel expenses for the attendance of one conference annually. Please email conference details and budget to [email protected] to obtain pre-approval.

Application Details


  • Associated faculty members presenting on a Latin American topic


  • Funding: Up to $1,200 for one conference per academic year (July 1 – June 30)
  • Application cycles: Ongoing
  • Funding covers: Transportation, accommodation, and other travel expenses

Funding Note

Any reimbursement request should go through Concur. Out-of-pocket expenses need to be substantiated in Concur within 60 days of the transaction date, and travel & expense credit card transactions need to be substantiated within 30 days of the transaction date. When submitting a Concur report, please ask your department approver to 'Approve and Forward' the expense report to [email protected].


To request conference funding pre-approval, email a brief request with conference details to [email protected]

Requirements: An expense report must be submitted in Concur in a timely manner for reimbursement of applicable expenses.