- Carlos Castillo-Salgado, Epidemiologist, Johns Hopkins University
- Rossana Castiglioni, Dean of Faculty, Social Sciences and History, Diego Portales University, Chile
- Sebastián Garrido, Politics, CIDE, Mexico
- Moderator: María José Urzúa Valverde, Politics, Princeton University
- Discussants: Federico Tiberti, Politics, and Sebastián Rojas Cabal, Sociology, Princeton University
Carlos Castillo-Salgado, Epidemiologist, Johns Hopkins University
Rossana Castiglioni, Dean of Faculty, Social Sciences and History, Diego Portales University, Chile
Sebastián Garrido, Politics, CIDE, Mexico
María José Urzúa Valverde, Politics, Princeton University
Federico Tiberti, Politics, Princeton University
Sebastián Rojas Cabal, Sociology, Princeton University
Dr. Carlos Castillo-Salgado (MD, MPH, DrPH, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health) is a Professor of the Department of Epidemiology of the Bloomberg School of Public Health with joint appointments in the Departments of Population, Family & Reproductive Health, Health Policy and the School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University. He has pioneered the development of applied and field epidemiology training programs for public health professionals in the Americas. Currently, Dr. Castillo-Salgado is the Director of the Global Public Health Observatory of the Bloomberg School of Public Health and Director of the Certificate Training Program in Epidemiology for Public Health Managers. His main academic work centers in Innovative Approaches for Global Public Health Surveillance, Measuring Health Inequalities in the Americas; Developing New Public Health Metrics, and Implementing Equity Focused- Health Impact Assessments for the Ministries of Health in Latin America and the Caribbean. Since early 2020, he leads a group of 80 senior epidemiologists in Latin America for daily monitoring of Covid-19 in 19 countries.
Rossana Castiglioni (Ph.D., Political Science, University of Notre Dame) is Dean of Social Sciences and History at Universidad Diego Portales in Santiago, Chile. She is the co-editor of the Journal of Politics in Latin America and co-coordinator of PolSoc (Latin American Network of Social Policy Analysis). Her main research interests include comparative social policy of Latin America and the dilemmas of democratic representation. She has been a visiting professor at several institutions, including Harvard University, the Scuola Normale Superiore of Florence, the Kellogg Institute for International Studies, Leiden University, and the University of Oxford. Her work has appeared in different academic journals, such as the Journal of Social Policy, Latin American Politics and Society, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, Journal of Politics in Latin America, The Developing Economies, and Electoral Studies, among others.
Sebastián Garrido de Sierra (MA and Ph.D., Political Science, University of California, Los Angeles) is Associate Professor at México's Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE), appointed to the Department of Political Science (DEP) and the National Laboratory of Public Policies (LNPP). He is currently coordinating the LNPP's Data Science Unit His research covers topics related to Mexican politics (elections, social movements), higher education (financing, control of public resources), transparency and the intersection between these three issues.